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Stargate Facilitators



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South Africa & United Kingdom



Márti Bodor


Márti Bodor is a kinesiologist and energetic healer of Hungarian origin, living in Vienna, Austria.

She works supported by the Stargate, her guides and her natural empathic abilities with the purpose to empower individuals to find physical, emotional and spiritual balance.

Besides her one on one sessions with clients, you are also welcome to join her regularly organized group meditations helping people to experience their own energetic vastness and self-healing power.

Learn more and connect at:
Website: www.bodor-kinesiologie.eu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/martibodorkinesiologie

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Anne Dellisse


Beside the fact that I am an international performing actress, I am also a:
- Medicine Woman,' Luminous Doe' heir to the Anishinabe Tradition (Ojibway Nation) & Sacred Pipe Carrier, Rainbow Child of Ancient Lemuria
- Peace Keeper of the Ywahoo Tradition (Tsalagi Nation)
- Great Shaman 'Yaxyuben', Reverend Mother of the New Time of the Mayan Solar Tradition, having joined the Circle of the Ancients.
- Bodhisttava 'Yong Sun' of the Lotus Sangha of World Social Buddhism.
- Founder of the International Center for Native American Wisdom (in a nature sanctuary in Belgium), where for 25 years already, I teach spirituality, lead ceremonies and practice the Healing Arts, restoring awareness of the sacred feminine and masculine within oneself, the path inherent in achieving happiness in our incarnation, in order to co-create our Ascension.
- Faculty Consultant at the University of Houston, Texas, where I teach Native American Spirituality

I joyfully facilitate the spreading of the Stargate Work which is such an amazing accelerator in the awakening of Humanity!It is such a blessing and improves one's life so beautifully that it would be an honor and a pleasure to help to grow the French speaking community on our beloved Mother Earth, Gaïa. Deep Gratitude to all concerned :)))

"Pocahontas is not a myth, she is alive and is welcoming you in the heart of Europe"

Location: SE Brussels ( Grez-Doiceau ), Belgium
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +32 10 24 44 87

Els Beuls


As a lightworker I work from the boundless Source of joy and intelligence from my Heart.I help people through healing processes, but I specialize in coaching and empowering Starseeds in their journey of mastering a grounded spiritual development. This implies an increased awareness, self-healing capacities and a psychological transformation. My aim is to support Starseeds to fully align with their Soul’s Mission on earth.

My background as a sound and movement therapist facilitates people to effortlessly access their internal dimensions and reconnect to Source. At the same time it allows them to give physical expression of higher frequencies through their bodies. This opens their consciousness to experience their body fully vibrating on a higher cellular level.

For my counsel, I make use of my year-long experience as a healer using Seiki, Reiki, Cranio-sacral-therapy; complemented with psychological healing modalities such as Inner Child therapy, Systemic therapy.

During healing and counseling sessions I’m guided by light beings, angels, E.T.’s, crystals, gems and elementals… The Stargate is a very powerful amplifier of energies and accelerator of transformation on all levels.

I became a Stargate facilitator to help spread the Stargate work to wake-up humanity. Working with the Stargate has brought Me a sense of deep peace, a major shift in awareness and a glimpse of enlightenment on the New Earth. I am a guide for the creation of this New Earth by channeling transforming.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0032 499 76 22 68
Location: Viersel nearby ANWERPEN

Eric Huysmans


Hi, I am Eric Huysmans from Belgium.

I have been trained over 40 years by cosmic beings, very slowly at first, the last decade very conscious and motivated. It started with meeting 1 guide, then a few, now an infinite amount. Then again 40 years is longer than described here :-). Today I work for a collective by the name of The Council of 9.

Thus in daily life I am a channel for this collective who invites us humanity to connect with them on all possible questions or issues. They have a team ready of minimal 9 beings divided for our benefit in Earth matters, Galactic and Angel matters. As I work for them 24/7, the CO9 supports me with all things big and small I need to live a normal happy life. This is what is called living in 5D, co-creating your own reality. The CO9 invites us to do the same, leave the suffering ego perspective and to start living from the soul as was intended from the start.

I facilitated the level 1 and 2 training at Bologna Italy in May 2017. Soon after they asked to not use a physical Stargate any longer since all comes from within, and I didn't need external tools. Hence, I have been working with an etheric Stargate energy ever since.

As a channel I connect people to the CO9 or alike, so they can connect themselves with the answers they were looking for, or even better to ascend 3D linear time living. As a collective we invite humanity to cross the rainbow bridge from 3D to 5D. We will guide you crossing it, waiting for you on the other side to co-create heaven on Earth.; Be welcome, day and night. Eric/CO9

Email: huysmanseric.muizen@gmail.com

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Deborah Souza


My first contact with The Stargate Experience was in 2017 during a Kryon Seminar and it was surreal. In 2018 I was invited to become a facilitator and I travelled to the magical Mount Shasta for the training. What I felt is something that I have no words to express, such a great expansion of consciousness. Since then I have started conducting Stargate sessions and feel honored being able to work with this high consciousness.

I work with other energy techniques such as ThetaHealing, EMF Balancing Technique, Access Consciousness and Arcturian Multidimensional System. All of these modalities are pillars in my work as a Healer and Facilitator.

Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +55 21 99878-0515
Website: www.conscienciatheta.com.br


Jacqueline Mariano


My first contact with the Stargate was in 2019, with a meditation held by a Brazilian facilitator. At that exact moment, I fell in love with this gentle healing technique. In 2021, I attended the facilitators training in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and since then I have been holding private and group meditations after being invited to become a facilitator by Prageet Harris during the Costa Rica Workshop, at the same year. It is hard to describe my impressions about the Stargate, for me it is the most powerful method for consciousness expansion I have ever experienced. I can strongly feel the love and the guidance of the benevolent beings that take part in the Stargate Meditations and Experiences in a very particular way. Particularly, I can feel the Christic Consciousness very present during the experiences and meditations. For me, it is such an honor to be a Stargate Facilitator and help to spread this beautiful and loving message to human beings all over the world!

Since 2014, I have been a teacher of A Course in Miracles, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I also work with other healing techniques such as Theta Healing, Arcturian Dimensional Healing, Sacred Fire, Transpersonal Astrology, and Access Consciousness Processes and Tools. I am also a psychoanalyst.

Location: Rio de Janeiro City, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Contact: +55 21 99800-7718
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.alquimiadosmilagres.com.br

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Lidia Tosheva


The first time I heard about Stargate was in 2012. Stargate touched my soul! All of Creation works through me and my way of working matches the Stargate!
In 2013 I met Stargate, Prageet and Julian in Bulgaria! After completing the facilitator training in 2015, I incorporated Stargate into my daily work with people. I am infinitely grateful to the entire higher world for creating magical situations that brought me to the Stargate, to my family!

Email: [email protected]

Margarita Georgieva


Since 2015, I have been a Stargate Facilitator and I make presentations and meditations in different cities of Bulgaria.
I am an Empath and contactor, and for 20 years I have been conducting personal meetings with various people in Bulgaria and abroad. I have studied the Mer Ka Ba and Entering the Sacred Space of the Heart with Drunvalo Melchizedek, a Certified Shambhala Teacher and Master Healer.
To me, Stargate is the Higher University of Souls incarnated in a body here on Earth. And I am infinitely grateful for being able to spread this knowledge in which I found my vocation and mission!

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +359889487311

Maya Siderova


I encountered Stargate in 2013 in Bulgaria. After a few years, when Prageet and Julian were back in Bulgaria, I took the first two Stargate Facilitator seminars. I have been practicing daily meditations since 2016, after the Growing Young course.
I lead other people's Stargate Meditations, as part of my practice is with energy psychology.

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mayasidero 
Phone: +359888958665

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Dawn Price


Passionate About Empowering You

Hi I'm Dawn and my passion and path of service is in helping others to reawaken their innate abilities.

In 2018, I constructed my own version of an "Eat, Pray, Love" journey of self discovery. Although I had already been studying metaphysics and alternative healing modalities for many years across Canada and the United States, I felt a calling to learn more of the ancient healing wisdom and ceremonies of other native cultures and masters from around the world, so I travelled for many months across Thailand, Europe, and Hawaii to learn Tantra, Shamanism, Channelling, Yoga, Reiki, and many different types of Meditation. ​

When I discovered the Stargate Meditations in 2017, I knew I had found a global community of like minded family members. No matter where I was, or what I was doing around the globe, the Stargate energies kept drawing me back. I couldn't get enough of these meditations, teachings, and transformational energies, and I knew I had to share them with as many people as I could, so I travelled to the Stargate home in Mount Shasta, California, to become a Stargate Facilitator.

I love to facilitate Stargate journeys (meditations), host Goddess circles, teach Laughter yoga, do Channelling sessions, and guide others in the reawakening of their own innate abilities.

One of the most important lessons I learned along the way was not to give my power away to any teacher or guru outside of myself. I came to intuitively understand the universal truth that all the answers we seek really are inside of ourselves & every single one of us has the ability to tap into our own wise teacher. So when you're ready to re-awaken your own sacred guru inside, then let's play!

Website: www.inthelightofdawn.com
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Phone: 1-519-242-4488
Email: [email protected]  

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Myria Irakli


A genuine beauty and flower lover, my choices have led me to (re)meeting Kryon and through him, I (re)met Alcazar and Stargate! My beloved family, guides, companions and friends from the stars, from the Universe are deeply felt. I am honoured to be a Stargate Facilitator, official translator in Greek and official organizer for Greece and Cyprus and spread the word through my Iasis Therapy Center. Contact me to join a meditation, a healing energy journey, a webinar, a retreat.

Αγαπώ την ομορφιά και τα λουλούδια όλης της Γης και οι επιλογές μου με οδήγησαν να (ξανα)συναντήσω τον Κρύων, μέσω του οποίου (ξανα)συνάντησα τον Αλκαζάρ και το Stargate! Η αγαπημένη μου οικογένεια, οι οδηγοί, οι σύντροφοι και οι φίλοι από τα αστέρια, από το Σύμπαν είναι βαθιά αισθητοί. Είναι τιμή μου να είμαι Διευκολύντρια του Stargate, επίσημη μεταφράστρια στην ελληνική και επίσημη διοργανώτρια για Ελλάδα και Κύπρο και που το διαδίδω μέσω του Κέντρου Θεραπειών μου Ίασις. Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μου για να συμμετέχετε σε διαλογισμό, σε μια ενεργειακή θεραπευτική διαδρομή, ένα δαδικτυακό εργαστήρι, σε ένα ρητρήτ.

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Myria Irakli
FB page: Accessing your Superconsciousness

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Jackie Sievey


I was introduced to the Stargate in London in 2013 and immediately felt a deep resonance with the Stargate work. The Stargate then became an important part of my spiritual journey, both attending the workshops and being able to organise Stargate events in London from 2014. Both have brought me such pleasure and growth. The next layer was the Facilitator training in Crete in 2019.

Originally born in New Zealand, I left at 21 to explore the world. My other spiritual passions are working with crystal energies, healing work and connecting with Star families.

I am offering 1:1 Energetic Visualisation Sessions with the Stargate via Zoom. I take people on an intuitive guided journey where they can “Be” in the Stargate energies and receive what their soul desires. If you feel drawn to have a session with me please email for details.

Location: London, U.K.
Email: [email protected]

Marian Geddes


I am passionate about the evolution of consciousness and the anchoring of the new blueprint for humanity. As a Stargate Facilitator, I facilitate group Stargate meditations on the first Saturday of the month in South West London and free flow movement followed by a Stargate meditation on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Individual and personalised Stargate sessions for healing and transformation are available either in person or via the internet.

I also offer Soul Blueprint Readings using an ancient sacred numerology system based on the Hebrew Creation Codes. This reading gives you a roadmap for life and guidance on how to transmute the challenges you have created for yourself and how to activate your gifts.

Deeper journeys are available through mentoring programmes utilising the energies of the Stargate to support you in fully stepping into your blueprint and aligning with your soul’s unique calling. Please connect with me if you would like further information.

Location: London, U.K.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +447962581888
Facebook: https://facebook.com/evolvewithmarian

Victor Guerra


Victor is a Spiritual worker with natural abilities to channel the Guides and other consciousness. He commenced his journey with the Stargate back in 2016, when Prageet presented the Stargate at a Kryon event in Birmingham. Three months after that event, Victor felt a very strong connection with the Stargate and the Alcazar, when his real Stargate journey began.

“The Stargate work has changed my life massively and for me its an honour and a privilege to be able to support and assist others in their journey…”

Alongside the Stargate work, Victor is a Spiritual Healer, using Archetypes as a healing tool. When he re-discovered the ‘Healing with Archetypes’ methods, he felt a powerful connection with this method due to his ability to draw symbols and project their energy, something he remembered from the past. Archetypes are defined as functional symbols with their own energy.

At present, Victor uses his abilities and the Stargate work to facilitate movement within people and support their spiritual journey through one-to-one sessions and workshops. Although he is currently based in Southampton (south coast of England), he sometimes works from Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain) where he will return to live one day and continue his work.

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +44(0)7909817916
Website: https://www.expandingfromwithin.com

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Savitri Braeucker


For the past 40 years I have dedicated my spiritual, psychological and political work in anchoring the Divine Feminine on Earth. I have done my best to heal the deep wounds that 5,000 years of Patriarchy have left in the body, mind and psyche of women. 

My background is my vast spiritual path that has formed my being. Since the early 80s, I had my spiritual “upbringing” in India, where I mostly lived in Ashrams. I studied Yoga Philosophy, ancient scriptures and learnt from great Yoginis and Masters. I feel deep gratitude for this opportunity! What I learned on my path I integrate in my psychological work.

I am a licensed Psychotherapist (PhD), Trauma therapist, Kundalini Yoga teacher, Sound therapist, Practitioner of Reconnective Healing and Reconnection, Quantum Entrainment, Regression Therapist and I guide many international retreats for women in different countries in what is called, “Mysteries of the Great Goddess.”

I am an author of several books, see my German website: www.savitri-om.de

When I first heard about “Stargate”, I fell immediately in love with the vibration and the sacred geometry. When I started to experience the vast Stargate work, it felt as if I had found the answer to my questions. That is why I want to share it with others!

With the Stargate work I intend to empower the ones who seek help and answers for their evolution of consciousness. Working with the consciousness of the Stargate enables us to quickly reach up to higher dimensions and receive the guidance of benevolent Beings of higher realms. And all this happens effortlessly, “nothing to do” in deep relaxation.

I welcome you to join me in one-on-one sessions. (Group sessions are in the planning stage.)

Location: Berlin, Germany
Tel.: 49(30) 3121301 
Email: [email protected]

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Laura Convertini


I am Italian-Swiss, speaking 6 languages, positioned and working as a lawyer at the Supreme Court in Athens Greece since 1996. I am an intuitive person and I’ve been practicing various healing modalities such as Theta Healing or pineal toning. I’ve been a healer using frequencies in many lifetimes, and probably this is one of the reasons why I was drawn to
the Stargate Experience, that I had for the first time in 2016 in Mt Ida Arkansas.

Since then, the Stargate work has been part of my daily life, as it awakened my self-awareness and how I create my own reality. I combine the Stargate work with the high frequency light of the selenite swords of light to transmute physical energies issues, raise light quotient, activate
Golden and violet light and expand our ascension process, working with the ascended masters, our star families and many other benevolent beings.

I am pleased to give my support, joy, love and wisdom to individuals and groups in Greek,French, Italian and English.

Είμαι Ιταλίδα και Ελβετίδα υπήκοος. Ζω και εργάζομαι από το 1996 στην Αθήνα ως δικηγόρος παρ’ Αρείω Πάγω και μιλάω 6 γλώσσες. Διαθέτω ανεπτυγμένη διαίσθηση και έχω ασχοληθεί διεξοδικά με διάφορες θεραπευτικές μεθόδους, όπως τη μέθοδο Θήτα ή τον pineal toning. Υπήρξα θεραπεύτρια σε πολλές παλαιές ζωές, όπου χρησιμοποιούσα τις θεραπευτικές ιδιότητες των συχνοτήτων. Ισως αυτός ήταν ένας από τους λόγους για τους οποίους οδηγήθηκα το 2016 στο Stargate, στο Όρος Άϊντα του Αρκάνσας των ΗΠΑ. Έκτοτε δουλεύω καθημερινά με την Αστροπύλη (Stargate), καθώς άλλαξε η συνειδητοποίηση του εαυτού μου, αλλά και του τρόπου με τον οποίο ο καθένας μας δημιουργεί τη δική του

πραγματικότητα. Συνδυάζω τη δουλειά με την Αστροπύλη (Stargate) με το φως υψηλής συχνότητας των σεληνιτών σπαθιών φωτός, για να μεταλλάξω προβλήματα που βρίσκονται στο ενεργειακό πεδίο του ατόμου και να ενισχύσω το χρυσό φως στον καθένα από μας. Και
όλα αυτά σε συνεργασία με τους αναληφθέντες δασκάλους του φωτός, τις οικογένειες των αστέρων και πολλά άλλα καλοπροαίρετα βοηθητικά όντα. Πλέον, είμαι στην ευχάριστη θέση να προσφέρω την υποστήριξη, τη χαρά, την αγάπη και τις γνώσεις μου εξατομικευμένα, σε μεμονωμένα άτομα ή και σε ομάδες ατόμων που μιλούν ελληνικά, γαλλικά, ιταλικά ή αγγλικά.

Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
κιν. / Phone: +30/6941.419.445
σελίδα στο / facebook page: creating from the quantum field

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Edna Doherty


I am a sensitive and intuitive spiritual healer from Donegal Ireland. I have an especially strong connection with the Angelic realm and the Earth.

The land where I have my Centre, “Holistic Haven” compliments my work as a Stargate Group Facilitator, including Private Sessions and Skype calls. I also offer Spiritual Counselling, Inner Child Healing & Wellness Days.

My love of Sacred Geometry and the Star Energies led me to the Stargate and becoming a Facilitator. Working with the Stargate is a great honour and I love it.

Website: www.holistichaven.ie
Emails: [email protected] OR [email protected]
Facebook: Edna Doherty/Holistic Haven

Jill Costello


I am a stargate facilitator and psychic surgeon based near Dublin in Ireland. I work with people in person, skype and in group sessions. I am a conduit channel of energy and have a strong connection to the stargate and the many beautiful benevolent beings of light who come through when it is activated. I believe that a “healer” is someone who facilitates healing in another. The mind, body, spirit has a natural self-healing capacity and the “healer” simply plays the role of a catalyst. I love the stargate work, it is indeed one of the most advanced and cutting edge ways to assist people. It has helped me greatly, I love working with it and am willing to travel to help spread the amazing stargate experience.

Website: www.channeloflighthealing.com
Facebook: Jill Costello, Healing Facilitator and Psychic Surgery
Phone: 089-4254942 OR 00353 894254942 if calling from outside Ireland

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Liat Manjeev Guy - ליאת מנג'יב גיא


Hi, I am a Kundalini Yoga and meditation teacher, Sat Nam Rasayan healer and an astrologer.

My first encounter with Stargate was in 2015, when Prageet and Julianne came to Israel with the Kryon Tour. I fell instantly in love. Since then, the Stargate work is a meaningful part of my life. After numerous meditations and courses and some in-person workshops with Prageet and Julianne, it was time for me to spread the energy further. I took The Facilitator Training in 2019, with a deep aspiration to see more people enjoy the tender healing and empowerment that the Stargate work gave me.

I am based in Tel-Aviv (Ramat-Gan), Israel. I am currently offering personal healing sessions and group meditations with Stargate.

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liat.m.guy
Phone: 972-54-7695448


הי, אני מורה לקונדליני יוגה ולמדיטציה, מטפלת בשיטת סאט-נאם-רסאיאן ואסטרולוגית

לראשונה חוויתי את האנרגיה של סטארגייט בשנת 2015, כשפראגיט וג'וליאן הגיעו לארץ עם לי קרול וקריון. התאהבתי עמוקות ומאז עבודת הסטארגייט היא חלק משמעותי בחיי. התחלתי עם מדיטציות וקורסים מקוונים, ונסעתי לכמה סדנאות בחו"ל עם פראגיט וג'וליאן. ב-2019 עשיתי קורס מנחים בכרתים מתוך רצון עז להפיץ את האנרגיה של סטארגייט גם בישראל. החלום שלי הוא לראות עוד ועוד אנשים סביבי עוברים תהליכי ריפוי והעצמה כמו שאני עברתי עם הסטארגייט

אני נמצאת ברמת גן ומציעה מפגשי הילינג אישיים ומדיטציות קבוצתיות עם הסטארגייט

[email protected] :דוא"ל

https://www.facebook.com/liat.m.guy :פייסבוק

054-7695448 :טלפון

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Abinova Gulnara


Avendo poco tempo in disposizione, un giorno ho chiesto a Kryon, un strumento più veloce ed efficace per la mia crescita spirituale. Ed eccoci qua lo Stargate! Mi sono innamorata di Stargate sentendo profonda connessione con esso. Guido meditazioni di Stargate di gruppo ed individuali.

Posto: Albenga (SV), Clinica San Michele, viale Ponte Lungo, 79
Tel.: 3883478413
Email: [email protected]

Antonello Meccia


Dal 2017 facilitatore stragate in sessioni di gruppo e individuali. Dal 2010 condivido le mie esperienze di self empowerment e crescita spirituale. Il mio intento è manifestare insieme agli altri
la creazione del nuovo mondo con gioia e semplicità.

Posto: Catania e in tutta la Sicilia
Facebook: Antonello meccia
Email: [email protected]
Telefono: 3456917388

Cinzia Maino


Mi chiamo Cinzia Maino dal giugno 2017 guido meditazioni con lo Stargate di gruppo ed individuali. Sono anche Master Reiki, specializzata nella lettura dei Registri Akashici, ideatrice della tecnica di Multidimensional Healing, la mia missione è aiutare le persone a ritrovare sé stesse, ricordare chi sono veramente, liberarsi dalle catene della mente ed essere libere di esprimere i propri talenti.

Posto: Salò, Verona, Riva del Garda, Milano, Brescia
Web: http://oriommultidimensional.com
Facebook: Orion Multi Dimensional Cell. +3479676910

Cristina Belgiovine


Facilitatrice Stargate, insegnante EMF Balancing Technique fasi I-IV, facilitatrice EMF balancing Technique fasi I-XIII, Riflessi, Lattice Logic per i bambini, Yoga per il Reticolo, insegnante yoga per adultie bambini.

Posto: MIlano
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cristina.belgiovine.50
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 347 9229809

Elena Cavaiani


Ho immediatamente compreso che lo Stargate sarebbe stato una scorciatoia per il mio cammino spirituale. In seguito mi sono resa conto di aver avuto anche un grande aiuto nella vita di tutti i giorni e volendo condividere con altri ho proseguito nella formazione.

Nel mio agriturismo sulle colline di Varese organizzo anche week end residenziali per meditazioni Stargate e connessione con le energie di questo luogo magico.

Posto: nella zona di Varese
Web: www.agriturismodellefate.it
Ssono presente su facebook

Email: [email protected]
Cell: +0039 3358322583

Giulia Di Biase

Host italiana della Sorellanza Lemuriana, co-organizzatrice degli eventi dell'Entourage di Kryon in Italia, creatrice della pagina Kryon le citazioni, traduttrice, cantante ispirata. Puoi seguirmi anche sul mio canale YouTube Feminine Leadership Channel Italia

Posto: Emilia Romagna

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/giulia.dibiase.3
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sorellanzalemuriana.it

Ingrid Cella

Facilitatrice Stargate dal 2016, insegnante di EMF Balancing

Technique e Riflessi dal 2014, Naturopata specializzata in Bio- Psicogenealogia dal 2011 ed Energy Trainer dal 2009, mi occupo di guidare le persone al Cambiamento, tramite lo scioglimento dei blocchi che arrivano dalle Radici Familiari.

Posto: Bergamo ed in tutta la Lombardia ed il Nord Italia
Facebook: IngridLibra
Sito: www.ingridlibra.com
Email: [email protected]
Telefono: 329-4674914

Laura Maria and Anna Lucia


Lavoriamo dal 1995 con seminari e incontri singoli per la crescita spirituale personale. Oltre ad essere Facilitatrici Stargate, siamo insegnati di Reiki e abbiamo formazioni in EMF Balancing TechniqueTM, The Reconnection®, The Healing CodesTM, Psych-K® e pranoterapia; aiutiamo le persone a sciogliere credenze disagevoli e autolimitanti per diventare veri “Maestri nella Pratica” riconnessi a ciò che siamo veramente e per co-creare una vita amorevole, gioiosa e consapevole.

Posto: Veneto (Vicenza e Verona), Lombardia (Brescia), Trentino Alto Adige (Trento, Predazzo, Merano)
Email: [email protected]
Telefono: +39 333 9364 157 or +39 340 8321 843


Liviana Chiluzzi

Da quando anni fa ho incontrato lo Stargate è avvenuta una profonda trasformazione in positivo nella mia vita a livello materiale e spirituale. Sono davvero grata poter di condividere attraverso le meditazioni, tenute con uno Stargate fisico di altezza di 2 metri, le energie che vengono irradiate con tutte le persone pronte per un percorso evolutivo meraviglioso.

Posto: Emilia Romagna
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/livianachiluzzi
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 393486100596

Mariagrazia D'Angeli


Sono counselor, operatore di Luce aura soma e facilitatore stargate dal 2017.
Conduco gruppi come facilitatore stargate sia di meditazione che come esperienziali di una giornata, conduco meditazioni stargate on- line con un canale zoom per il gruppo americano “Heart of all women” in italiano.
Svolgo sessioni individuali sia on-line che nel mio studio.

Posto: nelle zone di Romagna e Marche
Web: www.mariagraziadangeli.it
Tel.: 3482211724
Email: [email protected]

Marzia Vanni


Facilitatrice Stargate dal 2017 guido meditazioni con lo Stargate di gruppo e individuali.

Ritengo il lavoro con lo Stargate il più pionieristico, il più potente e allo stesso tempo il più semplice ed elegante disponibile al momento sul Pianeta.

È un'esperienza in continua evoluzione che ha portato significativi cambiamenti positivi nella mia vita che ci permette di evolversi nella serenità e nell'Amore.

Posto: Siena e in tutta la Toscana
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marzia.vanni
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0039 3473364657

Paride Sandri


Facilitatore Stargate dal 2017, Insegnante di EMF Balancing Technique e Riflessi, Master Reiki e altro. Dopo più 20 anni di ricerca /attività sul Benessere Personale, ho incontrato la Semplicità ed Efficacia dello Stargate con il quale conduco Meditazioni Individuali, di gruppo e online, con effetti davvero stupefacenti.

Posto: Bologna, Modena e Romagna
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FacilitatoreDelCambiamento
Cell: +393288427607
Email: [email protected]
Skype: Sandri Paride

Roberto Menegatti (Arel-Eram)

Facilitatore Stargate dal 2017. Operatore olistico bioenergetico e spirituale, professionista disciplinato ai sensi della legge 4/2013, iscritto SIAF Italia n. ER387P-OP, Tecniche energetiche per il benessere, meditazione, evoluzione personale. Facilitatore di diversi insegnamenti spirituali e sulle energie sottili. Eseguo trattamenti personali e di gruppo.

Posto: prevalentemente in Emilia- Romagna, Bologna, Ferrara, Modena, Carpi
Web: https://www.robertomenegattioperatoreolistico.com
Tel. cell: +0039 347 2563856

Silvia Gianoglio

“Lo Stargate chiama e la Supercoscienza risponde” Alcazar - La mia risposta ... “Eccomi!”

La vita cambia, tutto è nuovo... nel flusso della nuova “Blueprint per una Nuova Umanità” Facilitatore Stargate dal 2017

Posto: Cunio
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/silvia.gianoglio.35?_rdr
Mail: [email protected] 

Cellulare +39 3358311637

Valentina Giovannini

Da sempre sono attratta da tutto ciò che riguarda la connessione tra corpo e mente, e come le emozioni ci influenzano. Ho iniziato la mia ricerca con Reiki e durante il mio viaggio ho acquisito molte altre tecniche e strumenti come lo Shiatsu, PSYCH-Kv , Riflessiv , la Cronoriflessologia Spinalev , i Codici della Guarigione, e più recentemente lo Stargate. Lavoro da diversi anni con seminari e sessioni individuali per supportare le persone nel loro percorso di crescita spirituale. Il mio intento è quello di facilitare le persone nel manifestare chi realmente sono: esprimendo con gioia e pace il loro vero Potenziale nella vita pratica.

Posto: Toscana
Website: www.valentinagiovannini.com
Mobile: +39 3480620705
Email: [email protected]

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Gabriel Ángel 


Facilitador Stargate, Canalizador, Guardián del Spirit Box y Guía de Luz PandoraStar

Mi recorrido espiritual me llevó a un profundo despertar en las islas de Grecia en el 2014.Ahí me llené de una energía, una conciencia mayor que me hizo sentir la necesidad de ayudar a oras personas por medio de información y herramientas de conciencia. En el 2016, en un evento de Kryon, conocí el Stargate. Años más tarde tuve el primer Spirit Box para México y Latinoamérica, herramienta que me dio acceso a nueva información. Años más tarde me hice Facilitador Stargate y en 2020, justo durante pandemia me integré al equipo de Lee Carroll para ser el responsable de llevar las enseñanzas de Kryon a países de habla hispana.
Actualmente doy sesiones grupales con el Stargate y con el Spirit Box a todos aquellos que están en la búsqueda de sí mismos de querer lograr una mayor conexión consigo mismos, su propósito más elevado y sus dones divinos.


Stargate Facilitator, Channeler, Keeper of the Spirit Box and PandoraStar Light guide.

My spiritual journey led me to a profound awakening in the Greek islands in 2014. There, I filled myself with a loving energy that allowed me to understand my mission to help others with spiritual information and consciousness tools. In 2016, I learned about Stargate at a Kryon event. Years later, I became a Spirit Box Keeper for Mexico and Latin America, a tool that gives me access to newer spiritual info. In 2020, synchronicity led me to be part of Lee Carroll's team, and since today im the director of the Spanish Kryon website.

Nowadays I guide grup meditations with the Stargate and the Spirit Box for people who are looking for themselves and want to connect with their life purpose and divine power and gifts.

Location: Mexico City, Mexico 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yosoygabrielangel

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yosoygabrielangel/ 

Nancy Puente Orozco



Desde muy pequeña comencé un camino de búsqueda y de conexión con las familias estelares, varias técnicas de meditación, a conocer diferentes filosofías, metafísica y prácticas energéticas.

Comencé con las meditaciones de Stargate en 2016 y un año después asistí, en el verano del 2017, al Campamento de Verano Internacional de la Academia de Stargate en Monte Shasta donde quedé totalmente tocada por la experiencia y el despertar del momento. ¡Una única y fascinante experiencia! Aquí nació el compromiso de compartir y guiar meditaciones para que más personas puedan acceder a la Consciencia de Stargate, a su trabajo de despertar consciencias y llevar estas energías a todos los seres humanos. En el 2018 me convertí en facilitadora de Stargate

Soy maestra de yoga, practicante de la Sanación Reconectiva y la Reconexión, del Reiki, del Jin Shin Tara, lectura de ángeles y algunos procesos de cuerpo de Access Counsciousness. Guía de diferentes técnicas de meditación. Iniciada en la meditación de Campo de Amor con círculos de mujeres. Como facilitadora Nivel2 de Stargate, llevo meditaciones uno-a-uno, en grupos presenciales y también en línea, meditaciones de Stargate en grupos de personas con discapacidad mental donde hemos tenido hermosas experiencias y visto grandes resultados.

La experiencia con el Stargate ha sido expansiva y maravillosa. Estoy agradecida y muy honrada de compartir un camino para el despertar de la consciencia, para estar mas presentes con nuestra SupraConsciencia, en facilidad de comunicación con los guías y familias estelares. Elevar las frecuencias de Amor, Gratitud, Compasión, Unicidad y Alegría durante la meditación, y sobre todo, para todos lo seres…. en todos los planos, en todas las dimensiones, en todos los tiempos, se ha convertido en una forma de vida que amo compartir.

No hay nada que hacer, solo sentir…..
¡Gracias, mas de esto por favor!


From a very young age I began a path of search and connection with the star families, various meditation techniques, to learn about different philosophies, metaphysics and energy practices.

I started with the Stargate meditations in 2016 and a year later I attended, in the summer of 2017, the International Stargate Academy Summer Camp at Mount Shasta where I was totally touched by the experience and the awakening of the moment. A unique and fascinating experience! Here was born the commitment to share and guide meditations so that more people can access the Stargate Consciousness, its work to awaken consciousness and bring these energies to all human beings. In 2018 I became a Stargate facilitator.

I am a yoga teacher, practitioner of Reconnective Healing and Reconnection, Reiki, Jin Shin Tara, angel readings and some body process of Access Consciousness. Guide to different meditation techniques. Initiated in the Field of Love meditation with women's circles. As a Stargate Level 2 facilitator, I lead one-on-one meditations, in-person groups and also online, as well as Stargate meditations in groups of people with mental disabilities where we have had beautiful experiences and seen great results.

The experience with the Stargate has been expansive and wonderful. I am grateful and very honored to share a path for the awakening of consciousness, to be more present with our Superconsciousness, in ease of communication with the guides and star families. Raise the frequencies of Love, Gratitude, Compassion, Unity and Joy during meditation, and above all, for all beings…. On all planes, in all dimensions, at all times, it has become a way of life that I love sharing.

There is nothing to do, just feel ...
Thank you, bring me more, bring us more!

Location: San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Email: [email protected]

Oli Morales



Tuve la fortuna de re encontrarme en este planeta con el Stargate en el 2016 comenzando así a practicar las meditaciones, para luego viajar a Shasta a vivir la experiencia de forma presencial en el campamento de verano en 2017.

Esta experiencia significó para mí haber encontrado a mi familia estelar y así entusiasmada regresé a México a difundir la experiencia hasta que elegí completar mi formación en la certificación del 2018 en Shasta. Desde entonces he estado dando sesiones tanto privadas como meditaciones grupales y he compartido el stargate a través de los círculos así como en mis redes de comunicación con más personas.

Me siento muy feliz y honrada de poder ser una voz más para expandir esta herramienta tan potente y poderosa y así poner un granito de arena para que cada vez seamos más las personas interesadas en la consciencia.


I was fortunate to meet again on this planet with the Stargate in 2016, thus beginning to practice the meditations and then traveling to Shasta to live the experience in person at the summer camp in 2017.

This experience meant for me to have found my stellar family and so excited, I returned to Mexico to spread the experience until I chose to complete my training in the 2018 certification in Shasta. Since then I have been giving both private sessions and group meditations and sharing the stargate through circles as well as in my communication networks with more people.

I feel very happy and honored to be able to be one more voice to expand this powerful and powerful tool and thus do my part so that there are more and more people interested in consciousness.

Location: San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Website: www.olimorales.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/412493062869795

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/starseed_om


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The Netherlands


Janna ​Hopman


I am a facilitator of awareness teachings and an intuitive mentor, regression therapist and quantum healer. I do this work from the heart, supported by the Stargate and my Pleiadian- and other benevolent Guides. Gently empowering people in their personal- and spiritual growth processes, to transform limiting beliefs, reconnect with their inner wisdom and to reach their highest potential for a joyful and fulfilling life.

Location: Leiden, Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.stargatelightwork.nl

Ellen Langhout


Ellen Langhout is your Stargate-Experience facilitator. As a wholistic LifeCoach & Therapist she has her own practice ELNOMA in Coaching/Healing/BackYoga. Her passion is helping people reveal the best out of themselves. Ellen is very inspired by the force of the Stargate, which can help people to accelerate their consciousness and experience more balance and joy in their lives. At her practice in Soest (NL) Ellen facilitates private and group sessions, as well as integrated Stargate-Experience Yoga/Meditation sessions. Besides her practice, Ellen loves latin dance and teaching yoga, her mantra: Life is Fun & Easy!

Location: Soest, The Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.praktijkelnoma.nl

Kitty Opdam


I've always had a deep interest in consciousness. In 2011 I started my practice for energy therapy. My passion is bringing people in touch with an expanded consciousness and helping them to find more balance and reconnection with their wisdom. Working with reconnective healing was the start for me and when I experienced the Stargate in 2014 I was very impressed with the force of it and the beautiful experiences I had. Since that time the Stargate is a big support in my energy work. I facilitate private and group sessions. Feel free to contact me if you wish to experience the Stargate energy.

Location: Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.sun-flower.nl

Philip & Jacqueline Fiolet


From the beginning of 2012, the year in which we started our practice as Reconnective Healing Practitioners, we had wonderful results and we loved being in the energy that builds up during the sessions and at the same time not familiar with the idea that ExtraTerrestrials and other benevolent beings really exist, helping humanity in ways like this. Since we started working with the Stargate in 2014 we invited many ExtraTerrestrial friends, Masters and wonderfull beings into our lifes and slowly they introduced themselves more and more.

Working with the Stargate is so tangible and supportive, it helped us to relax more in the process, to trust and allow things to evolve. Nowadays in all of our workshops, lectures and retreats, the Stargate plays the central role and it is amazing how these high frequencies create a base from which beautiful experiences and healings arise every time.We wish this for everyone and we look forward to meeting you in one of the Stargate Experiences! Healing Center Beyond Medicine

Location: Wolfheze, Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.EThealing.nl

Tessa Van Dongen


In my practice, "Gele Ster" (Yellow Star, which means in the Maya Calendar “Harmony” and a signpost for others),I guide and coach children and adults in their process of personal and/or professional development, awareness, healing and transformation on energetic, psychic, mental and/or emotional levels. I give mindfulness - basic and deepening training (based on the presence process from Michael Brown), and I am specialized in high sensitivity, how to recognize, how to handle and turn high sensitivity into a quality. I am a social worker and combine my knowledge and experience with my high sensitivity and clairsentient knowledge.

Since March 2015, I work with the large Stargate that Prageet made for me.

The experiences are very special and divergent. People experience in this high frequency of the 12th dimension peace and relaxation, feel physical changes, get messages from dear departed or make contact and feel guided and protected by angels, masters and/or star families who accompany me in practicing the Galactic (universal) healing techniques. This will activate life force energy (kundalini) and the most important; it opens your HEART!

I give individual sessions in the Stargate and meditation workshops with the Stargate. I also provide monthly Silence meditations with the activated Stargate.

You are more than welcome. Feel free to contact me for more information or look at my website. Greeting from heart to heart, with love, Tessa van Dongen

Email: [email protected]
Website: www.gele-ster.nl
Phone: 06-28948177

Tiny Oomens


In 1987 I started developing my gifts. For instance, I did a course for Buqi healing at the Buqi Institute in Ghent, Belgium by Dr. Shen Hongxun. And in 2008 I attended the Genesis Accelaration Program in Boulder-Colorado USA. Now I am working with the Stargate. During sessions I know in what dimensions I am working. My healings are predominantly done by phone. I am in touch with the Stargate every day! 

Location: Heerlen, The Netherlands
Email: [email protected]

Viviane van der Kolk


I started my working career as a High School teacher, teaching Dutch. I still teach children, but now I give courses to primary school children in Mindfulness and Resilience. Besides that, I have my practice as a hypnotherapist, that I started in 1999. I chose my practice name, INZICHT Lessen over leven (INSIGHT Lessons about life), because helping people understand their life gives me great fulfillment, and I love learning. I gathered all this knowledge that I share now through various healing courses. The combination of teaching, hypnotherapy and healing is working amazingly for my clients and for me.

After I followed a few online courses by the Stargate Experience Academy, I was struck by an email invitation in the beginning of 2018 to follow the course to become a Stargate facilitator. I’m glad that I responded positively to this inner impulse.

All my different disciplines are now coming together in the giving of STARGATE EXPERIENCES. It’s clear to me that I came here on Earth to do this. My homesickness to “there” is gone, because now I can bring “there” here. I’m grateful that I am entrusted to do this work that I do with lots of love. I work with individuals and with groups.

The experiences of the participants are very special, hereby I mention a few of them

I am much more clear and my healing is greatly improved and is much stronger.
I don’t feel the knee that needed an operation anymore. It is healed!
I could feel the loving energy for days.
I am now capable to tune into this wonderful energy by myself.

Location: Spijkenisse, The Netherlands
Email: [email protected]


Mijn werkloopbaan ben ik begonnen als lerares Nederlands op een Middelbare School. Ik geef nog steeds les, maar nu aan basisschool kinderen; Mindfulness en weerbaarheid naast mijn praktijk als hypnotherapeut, dat ik In 1999 ben gestart. Mijn praktijk naam INZICHT Lessen over Leven heb ik gekozen omdat het helpen van mensen hun leven te begrijpen mij veel voldoening geeft en ik zelf leren erg leuk vind. Al snel vulde ik deze kennis aan met diverse healing opleidingen. Deze combinatie werkt voor mijn cliënten en mij fantastisch.

Na al een aantal online trainingen gedaan te hebben bij de Stargate Experience Acadamy, werd ik begin 2018 getroffen door de uitnodiging om mij te laten opleiden tot een facilitator van de Stargate. Ik ben blij dat ik die innerlijke drang gevolgd heb.

Al mijn verschillende disciplines komen voor mij nu samen in het geven van de STARGATE EXPERIENCES. Voor mij is het duidelijk dat ik hiervoor gekomen ben, mijn heimwee naar 'daar' is weg, omdat ik 'daar' hier mag neerzetten. Ik ben dankbaar dat ik dit werk mag doen en doe het met veel liefde. Ik geef zowel 1 op 1 sessies als werk met groepen.

De ervaringen van de deelnemers zijn zeer bijzonder, om een aantal te noemen:

Ik ben veel helderder, mijn healing is sterk verbeterd en veel sterker
Mijn knie die geopereerd zou moeten worden, voel ik niet meer, is beter
De liefdevolle energie heb ik nog dagenlang kunnen voelen
Ik kan mij nu zelf afstemmen op deze wondermooie energie

Location: Spijkenisse, The Netherlands
Email: [email protected]

Willem van Eekelen


In my practice for energy therapy in Amsterdam I use all my skills and intuitive talents to support people in their personal and spiritual process. I am a quantum healing facilitator, an energy reader, a (family)constellation worker and a Stargate Experience facilitator. In my work I work from the heart, the support from the Stargate and my connection to several fields within the multidimensional field. Such as the ascended master Jeshua ben Joseph, with whom I feel a deep connection, and other guides. People are lovingly invited to reconnect to their true essence transforming all limiting disturbances in their energy field. Willem van Eekelen

Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Website: www.dnaontwaakt.nl


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David & Laura


David and Laura were running a Reiki and Equine Facilitated respite centre for adults and children in Devon when they were introduced to the Stargate in 2013 at a Kryon event .Gradually the Stargate became part of their work, and after bringing home their own baby Stargate from an Ireland meeting in 2017, things began to really move forward and they were called to return to Scotland and begin working with the Stargate in a more meaningful way.


We feel so blessed to have found the Stargate family, attending the Stargate Facilitator training in Crete in 2019 was an amazing experience and from then the energies have been amplified and the Stargate has taken centre place in our work with the energy becoming stronger each day.

We feel both humbled and honoured to be able to hold sacred space for others, supporting them to release limitations, learn to trust their intuition and deepen their experience of the mind body connection.

Weather permitting, we also hold outdoor meditations where we invite Gaia and our herd of Mustangs to join us during our Stargate Meditations

Laura has created a synergy between the Stargate and the Lemurian Teaching Wheel called the Daughters of MU, where the Stargate assists in connecting to the Energy & Teachings from the Star Mothers.

Location: We are currently based between Glasgow and Edinburgh
Emails: [email protected] & [email protected]
Website: www.laurabarbour.com

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Branka, Dani and Sandra


Branka, Dani and Sandra work together as a unique Stargate team. They have been facilitating Stargate sessions together after hosting Prageet and Julieanne in Slovenia and experiencing Stargate with them in other magical places (Mount Shasta, Maui Hawaii, Varna Bulgaria…).

Branka is a professional interpreter, teacher and an inspirational singer song-writer. She interpreted for Prageet and Julieanne in Slovenia. After one of many powerful sessions with them she received a divinely inspired song from Mother Mary.

Dani and Sandra are partners in life. Dani is a gifted artist receiving a huge boost of new inspiration from the Stargate work for his amazing hand painted Earth and Stargate symbols on stones that can energize the whole house and emit powerful healing energy.

Sandra is a pure channel for the Divine Feminine energy that comes through in Stargate sessions. She is a gifted facilitator for unique physical exercises with elements of yoga for rejuvenation and energy flow in the body. She has been assisting Prageet and Julieanne in their international work and organizing the Stargate workshops in Slovenia. Each of them holds a different energy but aligned together they create energetic triangle that enables a unique flow of masculine and feminine energy and therefore a deeply transformative Stargate experience.“We are honored to be a part of the Stargate work and family. Thank you, bring us more!”

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Website: https://www.gaialit.com

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Kepaton and Maria


Kepaton and Maria are light workers, who are very deeply connected with the Stargate vibration and conscience. They have been working as healers for over 30 years. Both are Stargate facilitators. In addition to the individual sessions with the Stargate, they offer The Reconnection and The Reconnective Healing sessions. Their mission is to support people on their spiritual path to reconnect with the Oneness, bringing new light and information to grow and evolve, achieving balance and integration in their lives. Kepaton and Maria have one of the few titanium Stargates 2 meters high. They perform Stargate workshop to open up to the power of quantum energy, enjoy multidimensional experiences and communicate with Spirit. When information and energy circulate freely, anyone has the ability to regenerate their body through the activation of their DNA. One of the greatest gifts that human beings have right now is their great potential to merge with their Quantum Being, dissolve limiting beliefs, and thus accelerate their own spiritual evolution. They live in Madrid, Spain and travel through Europe and Latin America.

Website: www.MeditacionStargate.com
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +34 622 218 333


Kepatón y Maria son trabajadores de la luz, que están muy profundamente conectados con la vibración y la consciencia del Stargate. Ellos han estado trabajando como sanadores desde hace más de 30 años. Ambos son facilitadores del Stargate. Además de las sesiones individuales con el Stargate, ofrecen sesiones de La Reconexión y La Sanación Reconectiva.

Su misión es apoyar a las personas en su camino espiritual a reconectarse con la Unidad, trayendo nueva luz e información para crecer y evolucionar, alcanzando el equilibrio y la integración en sus vidas.

Kepatón y Maria tienen uno de los pocos Stargates de titanio de 2 metros de altura. Ellos realizan talleres Stargate para abrirse al poder de la energía cuántica, disfrutar de experiencias multidimensionales y comunicarse con Espíritu. Cuando la información y la energía circulan libremente, cualquier persona tiene la capacidad de regenerar su cuerpo a través de la activación de su ADN. Uno de los mayores regalos que tiene el ser humano ahora mismo es su gran potencial para fusionarse con su Ser Cuántico, disolver las creencias limitantes, y así acelerar su propia evolución espiritual. Viven en Madrid, España y viajan por Europa y Latinoamérica.

Página Web: www.MeditacionStargate.com Email: [email protected]
Phone: +34 622 218 333

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Ann-Sofie Andersson


The Stargate spoke to me the very first time I came in contact with it, in the early 90’s. I feel very connected to Alcazar, to the Stargate structure and the benevolent energies that work through it.

The profound beauty of this work, for me, is how soft and lovingly transformation can occur.

By just allowing the body and mind to relax, and being vibrated into deep Universal love in that space we can re-remember the vastness of ourselves.

As the Stargate structure holds a frequency where it’s easy to tap into the Quantum field, it invites us to connect with all the potency that lies there.

I’m deeply grateful to be able to assist in the awakening of ourselves, our potential and the beauty that each of us carry within.

Website: www.heartfelt.nu
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annsofie.andersson.5

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Esther Lewenstein


I am a sensitive and intuitive healer, I am an empath and am here on the Earth to give you my support, love and wisdom. I offer different healing energy work, Inner Child healing and many more ways to find balance in your life.

I am based in Switzerland and speak 6 different languages; I am reachable through email and also offer skype sessions.

Website: www.energieheilerin.com
Email: [email protected]

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The United States


Christine Bishop


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Christine has been a Marriage and Family Therapist and a Hypnotherapist for over 30 years. She is a master practitioner of Reiki, Regenesis and Vibration/Sound. She has taught numerous workshops on human growth and communication. Christine is a personal coach and is highly intuitive. She fell in love with the Stargate Experience in 2014 and is now a trained Facilitator. Her Singing Crystal Bowls often provide the music to accompany her Stargate Experience. The experience with Stargate, sound and vibration will connect you to your quantum self. And teach you who you truly are.

Email: [email protected]

Website: Bishophealing.com

Phone: (916) 956-1722

Diane Broussard


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Hello, I am Diane Broussard and I own the Diamond Springs Center of healing arts and training. I am an ordained minister, Reiki master, spiritual life coach, Shamanic practitioner, and Stargate Facilitator. It is my greatest joy to offer to humanity the opportunity to experience the Stargate Consciousness at my Spiritual Center in Diamond Springs, Cal.

Phone: 209-337-8172

Website: diamondspringscenter.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DiamondSpringsCenter

Darcey J Ortolf, PhD, CST-T


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Over the past 40 years I have studied and practiced a variety of traditional and non-traditional, personal and transpersonal approaches that assist in the healing and elevation of the body-mind-spirit. But, by far, the single most powerful approach I have encountered is the Stargate and the various meditation programs that accompany it in addressing different aspects of the body-mind-spiritual whole person!

As a licensed psychologist, I have found that the cutting edge device of the Stargate has facilitated a deeper level of inner work and spiritual development for myself and my psychotherapy clients. I have found that the energy assistance available thru the Stargate Guided Meditation frequencies can facilitate profound personal insights as well as physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually transformative experiences.

As a Stargate Facilitator, I would love to share the Stargate Experience with you! So just call, text, or email to learn how to host or attend a Stargate Experience Evening Introduction, Workshop, or Private Session.

LOCATION: Manhattan, NY & Stroudsburg, PA

EMAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: 917-836-4813 or 212-749-0980

David MacDonald


Born in Scotland in 1950, David arrived in the Reno / Lake Tahoe area in 1973 , to further his involvement in organic food restaurants. Shortly after arriving, he began a life-long study of healing sciences, body-work modalities and spiritual healing.

David has been a Licensed massage therapist since 1975, and a Certified Rolfer since 1987.

He currently enjoys a private practice in Reno. David has been influenced by a visit to John of God in 2011, numerous Kryon workshops, and- most recently- The Stargate since 2012.

He now incorporates these influences into each session, and also offers the Basic Rolfing 10-series. David facilitates Attunement events, and will also be hosting dedicated Stargate gatherings. He welcomes invitations from groups or yoga classes to make the Stargate work available in as many ways as possible.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 775 843 6886

Website: www.sanctitycenter.com

Denise Sheehan


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Denise Sheehan of Sage Spirit Coaching & Reiki is the Conscious Evolution Coach, a Reiki Master Teacher, Shaman, and Stargate Facilitator. Denise supports conscious evolutionary journeys by unleashing our vital wisdom and promoting our vibrant health through one-on-one sessions, Reiki Certification Workshops, and many other workshops, products and services. Denise created a unique blend of life coaching with Stargate Shamanic Reiki that gently but powerfully removes barriers and challenges to a life fully lived, while empowering personal gifts, goals, and dreams, so that our lives align with our highest potential.

Website: www.sagespiritcoaching.com

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 775 240 0814

Gwendalyn Gilliam


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Gwendalyn Gilliam has been doing healing work full time since 1986. She has published 3 books, her latest being a VidEbook, Yoga for Your Face. During the 90's she built a healing retreat in the Sierra Foothills where she certified massage therapists through her Wind Walk Institute. She teaches violin and works with nutrition and skin care. She has been receiving Stargate energy for five years. She is grateful for Prageet and Julianne bringing the Stargate to Earth and also for being two of the most authentic people she knows.

Website: http://www.gwendalyngilliam.com/quantum-sync.html

Julie Conklin


Julie Conklin, Pranic healer, Reiki Master and personal trainer, has been assissting others for over ten years. specializing in core body work physically and energetically Julie has been helping others to create healthy balanced lifestyles. On a spiritual quest after her husband died she found the Stargate Experience. The Stargate meditations have proved invaluable for Julie during her healing process. She now shares these Stargate experiences in the Seattle area, so you too can simply dissolve your limiting thought forms. Call Julie at (206)992-6200 to learn how you can host or attend a Stargate Experience. Julie Conklin

Location: Seattle, Washington
Email: [email protected]

Jurik Harmeyer


In late 2014 I began the true “conscious” journey into myself and spirituality. Many wonderful things have developed since then. I am now a certified yoga instructor and Level 2 Stargate Meditation Facilitator. Very soon I will undertake the beautiful challenge of becoming a certified life coach which I am very much looking forward to. Among the many joys and loves I have in my life one is being able to help and guide others in theirs. To be able to bring perspective to them in such a way that it serves as a catalyst for their own inner transformation, regardless if they are just beginning on their path or have been firmly upon it for many years already. The Stargate has been an excellent aid and blessing in being able to make that happen and I am incredibly grateful for it. Jurik Harmeyer

Location: Reno, Nevada
Email: [email protected]

Jacqueline Rinehart


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Healing People and Integrating Communities to Transform Our World

Ushering in the new human template, I am a healer who integrates high dimensionality with Earth realities. With the energies of the Stargate, I support you to awaken to your gifts and be the You that you came here to be. I reflect back to you the knowing and fearlessness that reside within you to be that You, and the possibilities. I connect you to your deep knowing.

As a Stargate facilitator and business professional in transformation and innovation, I mirror your efforts in living the day to day transformation as you engage in the world and find your inspiration in what is in front of you. With the sense of visceral vibrational understanding, I work within the moment and allow the energies to flow. Together we open to the energetics that serve your needs, and enhance the experience with sound and heart centered awakening.

I offer group Stargate experiences in Honolulu. I also offer individual sessions. 

Location: Honolulu, HI

Email: [email protected]

Jesse Zastrow


​​​​​​​​​​​​​Jesse has been meditating with the Stargate Experience for 6 years with astounding results via participation in various live and recorded seminars. It’s with enthusiasm and joy that he now works to instill similar wonder and profound change in others, that he has received from the Stargate work.

Jesse lives in Los Angeles where he works one-on-one with clients and hosts various gatherings combining his guided Stargate meditations with his unique energy work involving channeled sound healing and shamanic journeying.

Whether you are new to meditation or have a disciplined spiritual practice, there is much to be experienced with Jesse and his gifts of awakening. Email or call Jesse to book a private or group event or to receive more information on his practice.

LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA

EMAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: 240-418-4045

Kat Gong Meissener


Owner of KGM Awakening Meditation CenterExperience:

Meditation Facilitator, Master Shaman, Mentor/Life Coach, Municipal Executive, Restauranteur

Location: Stockton, California 
Email: [email protected]   

Phone: 209-470-4884
Website: www.kgmawakening.com

Karin Kinsey


Early on in life, Karin worked as a Waldorf and eurythmy teacher both in Norway and in the United States. Later she founded her own graphic design business. In 1997 a near death experience led to a profound vision of the dolphins during meditation. She decided to seek them out in the wild, which led to leading trips to the Caribbean to be with the bottlenose dolphins, which she has done for 16 years. She has written a book about the cetaceans titled Dancing on Water: Adventures with Dolphins, Whales & Interspecies Communication and has produced a deck of intuitive cards called the Starwalker Oracle Deck inspired largely by her meditational experiences with Stargate. She is currently co-facilitating Stargate gatherings with Timothy Surya Das.

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.starwalkeroraclecards.com

Liselot Bergen


Liselot Bergen is an awakened spiritual teacher and guide, with over 20 years experience empowering individuals to find emotional, psychological and spiritual balance in their lives. She has studied with enlightened masters from Europe, Asia, and America. In early 2014 she was introduced to the Stargate Mediation and developed a passion for its depth power to transform and awaken. In addition to her certification as a Level 2 Stargate Facilitator, she is a Family Constellation Facilitator, Reiki Master, Relaxed Focus Attention Facilitator, holistic healer, Oneness Advanced Trainer and Sacred Chambers Facilitator. She traveled and worked closely for several years with Sogyal Rinpoche, the Tibetan Lama who authored The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Liselot is a co-founder of The Arts Organization (TAO), a Utah-based extensive spiritual education and healing institute, and metaphysical emporium. She was TAO’s leading meditation instructor. She leads weekly Stargate Meditations in Marin County, California and welcomes invitations from groups wishing to experience the Stargate phenomenon. 

Location: San Rafael, CA

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1 801-556-3537

Li Ham


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I am excited to guide Stargate meditations in the Sacramento area. My passion is helping people discover their true divine self, awakening inner guidance, intuition, and self-healing to live a conscious life with joy and purpose. I actively support others on their journey to bringing their gifts to the world. Let’s open our hearts to living our best life, every day, in abundance, rediscover our magnificence and co-create a world of love and peace.

I also offer women’s retreats and one-on-one energy healing. I am trained in Chinese Energetic Medicine, and as a Reiki Master from Awakening Healing Arts Center. I love being in nature, camping, hiking barefoot, singing, dancing, reading, travel and adventures.

Location: Sacramento, California

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.followyourblyss.com

Linda Kubota Byrd


Linda Kubota Byrd loves the Stargate! She uses it to not only enhance her own life but also the lives of her clients in her personal growth consulting practice. Having used astrology as a map into our psyches for years, she has found that the Stargate opens doors to even deeper awareness and inspiration. Certified as a dream coach, she’s evolved into Conscious Awakening Coaching, finding that the quantum field, accessed through the Stargate, offers communication with the planets and other benevolent beings, creating a partnership that guides her consultations.

Linda has been trained as a Reiki Master so she understands the power of energy and how to direct it for healing. She uses the Emotional Freedom Technique (aka Tapping) and Heart Assisted Therapy to release the energies that are holding us back, be they physical, mental or emotional. Now that Linda has graduated from Level 3 Stargate Facilitator Training, she is eager to combine the Stargate with Astrology and Energy Psychology with individuals and groups, for rapid transformation. It’s time to wake-up, to be who we came to be!

Linda works with individuals: in-person, by phone or over Skype and is willing to travel to almost anywhere to work with groups.

Phone: (916) 721-4838 or (916) 765-0999

Email: [email protected]

Location: Citrus Heights, CA

Website: www.ConsciousAwakeningCoach.com

Marilyn Anhalt


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​For several decades, my passion has been in creating communities of “women supporting women” in their spiritual and personal growth. As my experiences expand, so do the tools that are shared with others in pursuing their spiritual goals.

From the first moments of experiencing the multidimensional power of the Stargate, this has become the “excelerator” behind all other modalities. As an Artist, Life Coach, Theta & Reiki Practitioner, the Stargate experience has rapidly moved me forward into accepting & honoring a richness of gifts in this lifetime.

Conduct Stargate group experiences, workshops and private sessions.

Website: www.astarsoulution.com

Phone: (916) 203-1370

Mayuri Onerheim


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I have been on the spiritual path as long as I can remember, and always called to service. As I have come to remember and begin to realize my cosmic self during these recent times of humanity’s waking up and evolution, I recognize the most important thing that I can help people with is their own personal freedom and personal enlightenment journey in a very practical and unified way.

The Stargate supports increasing light frequency embodiment and quantum development. My time as a former Diamond Approach teacher allows me to address inner child and developmental issues that stand in the way of experiencing and living higher frequency- the working on yourself part of spiritual development. And with my years as a CPA and author of the book Money Spirituality Consciousness, I can help address issues related to financial abundance and spiritual awakening. Finally, as a Neo-Shamanic Society facilitator, I can help address blockages that arise in the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies.

So I can support from several perspectives whoever wishes to create a new way of being in our awakening cosmos, a new way of perceiving and experiencing the reality of a New Earth. I am living in the Ozark mountains of Arkansas, but have extensive experience working remotely.

Phone: 415-250-7451

Email: [email protected]

Website: LogosofMoney.com

Phyllis Douglass


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​PHYLLIS DOUGLASS weaves 20+ years of experience in alternative healing, instrumental and vocal music, and the Toltec Arts of Shamanism and Magick to create integrated sessions, workshops and spiritual retreats that empower, revitalize, and transform lives. She facilitates Stargate Experiences integrating guided meditation, channeled messages from Source, and vocals accompanied by various sacred and indigenous instruments.

Website: www.PhyllisDouglass.com

Peter Winchell


Peter is the originator of The Dialogue Game, and the founder of The Invisible School. Teacher, musician, author, with over 40 years in the Arica School (founded by Oscar Ichazo).

Peter brings a great breadth of experience to the Stargate work.

Together with Shima Moore, he recently founded the 5D Healing Community Marin, a loosely knit group dedicated to healing and transformation through exploring cutting edge spiritual technologies. We offer a variety of workshops, classes, and trainings that include Stargate, along with 5D Self Care, 5D Practitioners, Kirtan, and Transpersonal Dialogue. Peter Winchell.

Location: Mill Valley, California

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.TheDialogueGame.net

Reba Linker


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Reba Linker is founder and director of AtoZ Healing Space and hosts the Youtube show, Paint Yourself Into the Picture. She is bestselling author of The Little Book of Manifesting Big, Follow the Yarn, and Imagine Self-Love. She is also the author of the children's book, The Compost Heroes. She studied with a spiritual teacher, Shanta, of blessed memory, for 30 years and she is a certified facilitator of The Stargate Experience meditation, Universal Sphere®, and other healing modalities.

Learn more at: www.RebaLinker.com or www.AtoZHealingSpace.com

Robin Moyer


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Is the founder of Passion Quest; A Path to Greater Health and Harmony, my intention is to live every day in sync with the joyous, abundant life that my intuition tells me is available to each of us, and to assist others to do the same. I utilize a combination of highly effective traditional and non-traditional tools in my individual coaching services and group workshops, all designed to awaken your super consciousness, shift old beliefs and deep-rooted patterns of behavior, and assist you to envision and live the passionate life that you desire and deserve.

Along with my services as a Stargate Facilitator, I am also a Credentialed Teacher, Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Quantum Process/Neurolinguistic Practitioner, Shamanic Counselor, and Practiced Seminar Leader. I have literally followed spiritual practices my entire adult life, and have found the Stargate Experience to be truly cutting edge. The degree of internal clarity, shift and acceleration in personal consciousness I have experienced makes me passionate and fully committed to utilizing and sharing the Stargate locally and wherever called to do so.

Please visit my website for detailed services, upcoming events, and testimonials.

Website: passionquest.mystrikingly.com

Phone: 530-497-0828

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/PassionQuest

Shari Carolo


I have been called to be a light worker, bringing energy and joy to my work through the love and experience I have had with Stargate. I practice and use various healing modalities such as Reiki, Shaman Healing, Energy work and Life Coaching. I am intuitive and can help guide you back to knowing your true Quantum Self of love, light and happiness. I can help awaken your DNA, which holds the key to who you truly are. Shari Carolo

Location: Sacramento, California
Email: [email protected]

Shima Moore


At the forefront of paradigm shifts that empower, motivate and inspire individuals of all ages, locally and globally. For decades, Shima cofounded Rainbow Grocery in San Francisco, Perceptions Magazine and the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles. She is a clinically certified hypnotherapist, astrological educator, master cleanse facilitator and founder of ShimaEvents: Media & Video. She began bringing The Stargate Experience to Marin in January 2014 after her personal initiation in December 2013.

Location: Mill Valley, California
Email: [email protected]    
Website: www.ShimaMoore.com

Terri Sena


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Terri knew her life was forever changed when she was synchronistically led to her first Stargate experience while attending a Mt. Shasta Lemurian retreat in 2016. Since then she shares the Stargate experience with those who are called to expand their consciousness through higher dimensions and to dissolve any limiting beliefs that are blocking the full expression of Joy and Freedom they are intended to be.

Terri is a licensed spiritual counselor so understands the Mind, Body, Spirit connection and how the Stargate is an exceptional tool to bring people into complete and total alignment with their Higher aspects.

Terri helps run a Western Esoteric Mystery School, guiding students on the path of Light through hermetic teachings of Qabalah, tarot, alchemy and healing.

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Phone: 530-295-8440

Cell: 209-337-8172

Email: [email protected]

Ursula O'Farrell


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Ursula O'Farrell is based in Aptos, California (near Santa Cruz in the San Francisco Bay Area). Private and bi-monthly gatherings are offered to enjoy the powerful and healing energies of the Stargate. Come, enjoy the energies of the coastal beaches and refresh your experiences with the Stargate along the beautiful Monterey Bay coastline in California. In particular, Ursula enjoys providing a special focus on merging with one's greater I AM presence and expanding one's creativity, beingness and making room for more laughter.

Email: [email protected]

Victoria von Gorski


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​For over 30 years, I have been a conduit for the divine to come and speak to clients and assist them on their journey. The year of 2020 has opened the doorway to a more loving and conscious existence for all of humanity. It is my belief that the doorway leads to The Quantum Field. Once we connect to this field, magic can happen in our lives faster than we thought possible. I found combining The Stargate Meditations with my private channeled readings, allow for a deeper connection for both myself and my clients.

For Stargate Meditations in Marin find us on Meetup at Vibrational Spirituality.

For a private Stargate Session please contact me via email: [email protected]

or phone: 415-302-2193

Website: www.artemisspiritualadvisor.net

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South Africa & United Kingdom


Siri & Paul Barker


Siri & Paul are delighted and excited to have brought the Stargate to Cape Town, South Africa. Siri has been involved in the Stargate work for nearly 20 years and travelled with Prageet in the 1990’s in Europe, UK and America. Paul began his Stargate journey in 2012, when he met Prageet and Julieanne in the UK.

In May 2016, they travelled with Prageet and Jules to the UK and were involved in the very powerful and deeply transformative Inner Child Intensive Event. They are now facilitating regular workshops in South Africa and are preparing to return to the UK and Ireland to facilitate Stargate workshops there.

Alongside the Stargate work, Siri is an initiated Sangoma and works with the Ancestral realm

and assists people through Bone Divinations and Traditional African healing systems. Paul is a Shamanic Practitioner, Coach and Facilitator, and has a deep passion for men’s work. Siri & Paul are also Gender Reconciliation Facilitators, Healing between men and women.

"To be part of the Stargate Experience and to work with Alcazar and to witness such deep transformation is a great privilege and we are humbled to be part of the Stargate family".

Email: ​[email protected]
Website: ​https://www.siribarker.com/stargate

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