Powerful tools that enhance vitality,
health and conscious awareness

Heart Companion
and I.Connect 

The Heart Companion and I.Connect align with the Stargate in profound ways, enabling you to stay connected to the Stargate Energy wherever you are.

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"When I first wore the pendant, I felt like I was really aware of my heart energy, like there was a permanent heart energy glow. Instantly, I could feel it was a nourishment on many different levels." 
- Prageet


“With the Heart Companion, I felt a heightened awareness, like an emotional glow of well-being, both inside and outside at the same time. There was an upliftment of space and emotional awareness. With the I.Connect, I felt my internal organs had more vitality flowing, which was very supportive.”
- Julieanne

The I.Connect2 is a tool that serves one comprehensive purpose: connection

It is designed to provide a full range of integrative connections that enhance vitality, health and conscious awareness. It establishes a field around you that effects everything that it touches. This means that many people are connecting more to their “higher” self, experiencing joy, compassion, well-being, peacefulness, heightened meditations and physical improvements.

The Heart Companion blends Sacred Geometric technology into a double-sided energy jewelry piece to wear near your heart

You will feel your connection to Source energy like never before. This elegant hand-crafted pendant offers several choices of high quality arrays of gemstones encased in a brushed stainless steel shell. These stunning, powerful and endearing pendants include the latest I.Connect technology, plus more.

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No online sales possible until August, pre-orders only!

The Heart Companions will be sold at the European workshops.

When you decide what you would like to purchase, please email us at [email protected] with your address and phone number.
We will then send you the details about how to transfer the payment.

Learn more about these amazing tools in the videos below!

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