What is The Essence of Life?
The Essence of Life is the energy of Spirit breathing life into matter…
It is a higher octave of the creative energy that's naturally within all living things, and so anyone can learn how to access it, kick it into a higher frequency, and direct it within the body, mind and emotions to create the potential for rapid self-healing and simply bathing in the energetic of self-love.
The Essence energy can be used for self-healing, bringing balancing currents of life-force energy into the body and circulating it.
It can be used for self-soothing, drawing the Essence into your auric field, your emotions, and basking in the beauty of this Spirit life-force.
The Essence of Life energies flow from Source, through our higher Self, into our humanness. And so, as the Essence energies flow they naturally connect us deeply to Source itself - to our true Self which always resides within The Beyond.