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Join us in Australia!

Experience the livestream!

How The Stargate Energies Work

The Stargate is a sacred geometrical structure that is an anchor for a higher dimensional consciousness.

This interdimensional doorway emits a powerful, high-vibrational energy field. It enables deep meditation, connects you with higher dimensional beings, activates your quantum self, and dissolves limiting patterns - all effortlessly.

This is a totally new way of evolving your consciousness.

There’s nothing to do, just relax into the high vibrational energy fields and allow your Superconsciousness to elevate your human experience.

In the guided Stargate meditations, you will feel your own vibration rising effortlessly, connecting you to your Higher Awareness.

You'll be able to feel the presence of the various guides (Angels, Ascended Masters, Star Families), as they enter the meditation. Those people with inner vision can actually see them joining us. This happens effortlessly, as you are connected to a far greater sense of self, universal energies, and your own innate wisdom. 

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, the Stargate attunes to your individual needs, offering a unique and profound experience.

This process is always guided by your own Superconscious or Higher Self, so the frequencies you are receiving are individualized and unique to you.

Experience the Stargate energies 
in  Australia with us!

Click on the buttons below to learn more about each event. 


Each event offers a unique blend of Stargate meditations, deep connections, and transformative practices. Don't miss this opportunity to evolve your consciousness in a totally new way!
Click on the cards below to learn more and reserve your spot at these extraordinary events. 

Sunshine Coast
Stargate Workshop

This event happened in
September 19th - 22th, 2024

More info about this workshop
Blue Mountains
Stargate Workshop

This event happened in
September 26th - 29th, 2024

More info about this workshop
Uluru Stargate Retreats

This event happened in
Retreat 1: 
October 9th - 13th, 2024
Retreat 2: October 17th - 21st, 2024

More info about this workshop

Our first Australian workshop will be held in the Sunshine Coast, designed for those who wish to experience the amazing transformative energetics that the Stargate and Alcazar will bring.

In this 4-day workshop you will be immersed in the high vibrational energies, which will connect you in a tangible way to the Angelic realm, Ascended Masters and Star Families. 

The venue is a beautiful hotel, surrounded by nature and exquisite sandy beaches, where you can relax, integrate and have fun!

More info about this workshop

The venue is a beautiful hotel, located in the incredible Blue Mountains with the vibration of nature grounding us, so that we can be fully receptive to the support that will be forthcoming through the Arcturian delegation through Viviane. The Stargate will be an amplifier for these energies as we start to connect in a very deep way to the land, bringing new energetics to Australia from the many Ascended Masters and Star Family delegations that will be joining us. 

This can be deeply transformational for those participating in this energetic opening.

More info about this workshop

Uluru is an ancient Pleiadean portal that has yet to be fully activated. There are two doorways that have been protected by the Pleiadeans and the local first nation tribes. The consciousness of Humanity has reached a point where it is finally time to reactivate these doorways which will create a major uplift for the Earth and Humanity.

We are limiting the number of people who can participate. We will be preparing for this activation for several days. We will gather near this ancient rock and then moving into a deep meditation, guided by Alcazar, inviting the ancient guardians to be with us as we connect to the Pleiadeans and Arcturians and call forth this reopening.

More info about this workshop

Get a livestream bundle
and join us from your home!

Get access to the livestream replays of the workshops:
Uluru 1, Uluru 2 and Blue Mountains and Sunshine Coast.

Sunshine Coast workshop will be uploaded after event.
For the Blue Mountains workshop you will be able to join the livestreams. The 
Uluru retreats will be a mix - you will be able to join the livestreams (for the meditation sessions in the retreat venue) or just recordings (for the on site activations at Uluru). The recordings from on site will be uploaded a bit later.

Choose The Price That Works For You 

To make these experiences accessible to everyone, we are inviting you to select how much you wish to contribute.  No matter your level of contribution, you'll still receive the same experiences as everyone else
Please contribute generously, as you are directly empowering
The Stargate Experience to grow and evolve!

Discounted Price


  • Video Replays
  • Downloadable Audio Replays
  • Lifetime Access
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Standard Price


  • Video Replays
  • Downloadable Audio Replays
  • Lifetime Access
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Above & Beyond Price


  • Video Replays
  • Downloadable Audio Replays
  • Lifetime Access
Join Us Here!

If you truly need a further discount please reach out to us at 


We will notify you here if/when the translations
will be available for a specific language.

What Our Community Shared ...

Video Poster Image

"We are indeed a powerful producer of energy as a group, it just keeps getting better and better. I love this family."


"There was a feeling of energies flowing to different parts for healing. A lot of shaking going on to different parts of my body. Heart opening and a feeling of being very grateful."


"Beautiful energies flowing from my toes to my head! Very special experience! I feel weightless and peace filled!"


"Feeling peaceful and very grateful to be with you all, much love to you all. Replay was just as wonderful as the live transmission."


"Such a bliss filled experience that seemed to amplify the healing power in my hands. I felt every atom of me vibrating like silky waves of love and joy. Thank you for sharing such a magnificent gift with us!!!"


"My consciousness is expanded, and my energy is still calm and peaceful. I felt a very strong energy surge when we all connected. I am so grateful!"


"I touched my creative space again, which I felt blocked for the last couple of years. I am so happy!"


"Not goose bumps,
God bumps...


"I have always struggled with mind chatter when I meditate.
Here I was able to sink into silence and oneness."


Guided By

Prageet Harris


Prageet is an English, internationally known channel who has assisted people with spiritual growth for thirty years. With his guide, Alcazar, Prageet designed and built the Stargate, which assists groups and individuals in the process of understanding and knowing Self – the process of awakening.

His whole life has been dedicated to understanding how we as humans operate, how the unconscious mind and the emotions influence us, and how to move easily out of those patterns that we feel are limiting us.

Julieanne Conard


Julieanne joined The Stargate Experience in 2012 after discovering a profound connection to the Stargate & the guide Alcazar, whom she also channels. 

With the guidance of Alcazar, Julieanne has developed a new form of energetic self-healing known as The Essence of Life, which she now teaches to others around the world.

Are your ready to explore the Stargate energies in the Land Down Under?

Explore the livestream!
Spending more time in Australia?

Check out fascinating places to visit in the Northern Territory here:

Kanyini Prayer

On behalf of all of us of indigenous ancestry from the First Peoples of Australia, to all the great creators of nature, who have always loved us without condition throughout all our natural life and beyond, I offer this prayer: 

To Mother Earth: I acknowledge with love and appreciation the care and unconditional love you provide for all living things. May we be led to understand this; may your ways of unconditional love for all life be our ways, that we live this each moment of our life. 

To Mother Sun: I acknowledge the light You share - living as a light of love, peace, understanding and honoring each and every one of us throughout the world. May we understand your light as life that relates us to each other as family so we can be led to love each other and all living as family. May we develop ways like you, loving without judgement that we can live love without conditions. May we learn from you to shine our light from within, in service to each other and all living throughout the world to the best of our ability.

To all of nature: I acknowledge and honour the life you give. The Air we breathe that gives us life, the water we drink that gives us life, the creatures we kill that gives us life, the plants we take from earth that gives us life. To every living thing I may have not mentioned that gives us life, I acknowledge you with appreciation and love.

To all peoples of the world: I acknowledge and honour each and every one of you. May we each be responsible for the wellbeing of each other and all living in the ways we think, speak, and act towards each other each moment of our lives. May we communicate with love. May we action our interactions with the qualities of love- compassion, patience, humility, kindness, generosity and caring- to know and understand each other. May we be love and peace, respecting the cultural beliefs of each other that we may live with love and peace always.

 With love, I offer this prayer in the name of all that is sacred and holy.
So Let It Be

Tjilpi Bob Randall
Yankunytjatjara Nation
Mutitjulu ~ Uluru