The Crete Workshop 2019 Audio Set

Entering The Temple of Truth

A 5-Day Stargate Experience recorded live on the island of Crete, 2019



Available Translations:


What is Truth?

"Truth is just the reality, as it is, observed and felt without distorting it, without bringing our own individual distortions into what we see, what we feel, what we hear.”

- Alcazar

An Invitation Into A Whole New Reality


The energetics of the Temple of Truth, that the Master Hilarion and the Guides make available throughout these days, offers you a whole new level of freedom in your life. 

These energetics have the potential of being permanently anchored into your energy field; energies intended to assist you in allowing a deeper connection to your inner truth, and having the courage to live that truth in your everyday life.

We are wanting to invite you much deeper into the mystery of who you are.


The Energetic Process

What meditation experiences are offered these days...

Day 1
Master Hilarion and Beings of the Light City on Crete bring in their presence and offer the potential for something wondrous (to be revealed). The Galactic Command shares the process of anchoring the Blueprint for a New Humanity within a single meditation! If you've experienced the anchoring of the Blueprint energies before, this experience brings in the next step for manifesting your Blueprint.
Day 2
Alcazar invites us deeper into the mystery of who we are, bringing our awareness to the wonders of the body and how there is so much more of our Superconsciousness available to be integrated into our humanness. The Star Families offer a unique experience, creating what they call a breeze of love for us to float on and up into a new level of flow with our Superconsciousness. The Master Hilarion and the Beings of the Light City offer an energetic gift.
Day 3
The Guides immerse us in a field of Oneness and invite us to create space for more clarity to come in.
Day 4
Our Earth and Sun bring in energies to assist us in realigning with our Superconsciousness and to prepare us for what is to come... Master Hilarion and the Beings of the Light City connect us with the energies of the Temple of Truth for the first time!
Day 5
A very special experience is offered to those who commit themselves to bringing this energetic of truth into their lives. It is the opportunity to enter the inner sanctum of the Temple of Truth!


“You have been drawn here because inside you know there is so much more to life. Inside, there is a yearning for freedom. For so many lifetimes you have not felt freedom, but now you are beginning to sense that it is possible.”

- Alcazar

Experience the Direct Wisdom of Alcazar

 In each Stargate workshop, space is made available for participants to ask questions and receive one-on-one guidance from Alcazar. Alcazar often says that the shares are just as important as the meditations because it provides the guides with feedback on how we, our human selves, are perceiving the energies. It also is a time where the release of old patterns can happen very quickly, which then opens up the space for the Guides to bring in the next level of energies to the group.
Here are some of the topics that Alcazar shares his wisdom on in this particular workshop:
  • Why people sometimes feel like they may faint or feel dizzy after a meditation
  • Why being in nature feels so nourishing and how to bring that connection with Gaia with you wherever you go
  • What to do when you have a commitment but feel pulled in another direction (balancing the feminine and masculine aspects of Self)
  • The truth about sexual energy, the reasons behind its repression in the past, and the invitation for your sexual energy, your life-force energy, to flow freely
  • What to eat and how to eat
  • The nature of duality and the invitation to bring in energies of Oneness
  • Why people often feel angry at or abandoned by their Star Family
  • Although Alcazar often says there is no need to go looking into past lives to resolve limiting programs (because nearly all programs created in past lives are re-created in your childhood so they can be accessed and resolved within this life) many past-life experiences come up to be resolved throughout this workshop


Entering The Temple of Truth

It is our intention to share Alcazar's wisdom with the world. In order to make these experiences more accessible to those countries and individuals who are financially challenged at the moment, we are creating an inexpensive option to purchase this audio set. Please take a moment to tune in and see the level at which you would like to support the Stargate work!

Audio Set Cost


One-Time Payment

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One-Time Payment

Start Your Journey!

“Freedom has to be claimed.

Freedom. You have to demand it from yourself, for in truth there is no one who is limiting your freedom except Self.”  - Alcazar


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